

​Listhus in Olafsfjordur, North Iceland

​Listhus in Olafsfjordur, North Iceland

Listhús SES. is a non-profit organization, running by a comprehensive team and is not backed by any public institution and so far, only gets public funding project by project. After running a few years, we gain the trust as a working partner with local education institutions.

Our activities are financed by running Listhús Artist Residency Program. There is no paid staff for daily operation at the moment. In spite of this, we try to keep the residency fees as low as possible, as we are aware that the traveling and living costs in Iceland constitute an obstacle for many artists.

Our goals and visions:

  • Developing an art space for artists who are looking for inspiration by nature
  • Establishing a collaboration friendly culture among artists, community and other art bodies
  • Art can go into the community
  • Financial self-sustainable

Recent years we are establishing Skammdegi program (skammdegifestival.com) in the winter, combining artist residency and art festival, in order to achieve all the goal above. Here is the video link of skammdegi festival in 2017: