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Surname Crest – family name gifts

Surname Crest – family name gifts

Surnamecrest are a specialist web based Irish craft business making hand crafted plaques decorated with family coat of arms. These decorative pieces are a popular choice among those who are searching for a thoughtful wedding, anniversary or heritage gift.

How are we different?

Uniqueness: Every time we create an item, superb quality product is guaranteed. Every plaque is different – made especially for you, with your text, names, border choice – giving each plaque a unique appearance.

Speed of Service and delivery: We can design and produce a bespoke item in as little as a few days and have it delivered shortly afterwards.

Cost: As a web based craft business (without the added overheads of a high street shop) we are able to keep our prices low whilst maintaining the high quality of our crafted product.

International customers find that even with shipping charges added – our products are cheaper than their local suppliers, and delivered just as fast.

Quality: You can always expect the best from us.
Our professional attitude and dedication is evident in the feedback we get from our customers. In terms of the product quality and customer care service, we never disappoint!
