
Deep In Thought

Published: 12 Dec 2016

What you need to create a MyCreativeEdge Profile

Are you a creative working in Northern Finland, South East of Northern Ireland, Mid-Sweden, West of Ireland or North East Iceland? Would you like to create a free Profile on MyCreativeEdge.eu to showcase your work?

Step 1 is to register here. When registering remember to pick the option ‘I want to create a profile to showcase my work’.

When you’ve registered you can login straightaway. Click Create a Profile to get started.

What you’ll need to create your Profile is:

Key Info

This is what appears when your Profile shows on the Home page:

  • Profile name: decide on the name for your Profile, it can be your own name, your company, a specific project… Remember you can publish more than one Profile
  • Short Description: 140 characters describing your Profile
  • Feature Image: use your strongest image, something that will make people want to find out more about your Profile. Recommend landscape HD image (1920 x 1080 pixels)


Choose up to 3 creative sectors to appear on right of your Profile.

Main Content

Choose 1 of 3 layout options for your Profile page. Whichever you choose, you’ll need

  • Introduction: maximum of 320 characters to introduce your Profile
  • About: description of you/your company, what you do, previous work etc. Maximum 1,000 words (or 2,000 if you pick ‘Text Focussed Profile’)
  • Images: for any image you want to upload, you’ll need the image file and a Title for the image
  • Videos: videos need to be links from YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Quotes: if you want to include some quotes about your work e.g. from clients or reviewers, you’ll need the quote (140 character max) and you can also add the author


You can add as much or as little contact information as you like, but minimum is the name of a contact person. You can also add a logo or profile photo.


Not mandatory but you can add as many social media links as you have


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