
In Profile

Published: 24 Sep 2016

Planet4us will come to the Digital DNA Creative Hotspot

Mikael Bergvall from Swedish Planet4us is one of the entrepreneurs who will attend Digital DNA through a Creative Momentum project. Through this opportunity Mikael will meet creative entrepreneurs from Iceland, Finland, Ireland and Northern Ireland.

“I am hoping to meet interesting start-ups and persons working with trading and sustainability. I am also hoping to meet investors within this field or to collect information about significant investors,” says Mikael.

Planet4us is a start-up company within sustainable development. Their ambition is to simplify purchase of sustainable products and make it more encouraging. Consumers wants to buy more and more sustainable products and Planet4us offer skills and mobile IT-solutions that brings sustainability data to the market. – We have done a prototype for food industry and now we are developing an app for consumers. One problem we want to solve is that it is hard for consumers to, in a simple and encouraging way, choose sustainable products. No one in Sweden in the Food Retail Industry has an IT-solution for this so being the first gives very good opportunities to increase the market.

The picture was taken at Sundsvall Business Awards 2014 when Mikael Bergvall was appointed as the IT-profile of the year. He has worked as a consultant in IT development for many years and his colleague Emil Hast has worked with sustainable development for a long time. Together they run Planet4us in Mid-Sweden.

Going to Digital DNA is an opportunity to network and find business contacts and also check how mature the market is in other countries. Networking with innovators, developers and contractors is very important to Planet4us.


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