The Network of Shared Creative Spaces is an online meet up of people who manage creative spaces to share ideas of best practice and discuss potential collaboration.
If you are managing a co-working space, creative working space or a business hub that accommodates creative industries then why not get involved in the call and find out how the “Network of Shared Creative Businesses could benefit your space”
Some of the advantages of being involved in the “Network of Shared Creatives Spaces” are as follows:
- The profile of your creative space will be showcased transnationally throughout the partner regions exposing your creative space to new local and international creative start ups.
- There will be Creative Exchanges set up to specifically address the development needs of the Network of Shared Creative Spaces
- Future Creative Momentum activities will require venues suitable for creative businesses such as a shared creative space.
if you would like to be involved in the first Skype Conference Call between the managers of Creative Spaces why not get in touch with your respective Creative Momentum partner region coordinator:
The Theme of this con call will be
“How to best navigate the Christmas Market”
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