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Published: 8 Feb 2017

NI Companies meet prior to Arctic Design Week

As part of the competitive opportunity through the Creative Hotspot activity within Creative Momentum, 6 Northern Ireland creative companies have been selected to attend Finland’s Arctic Design Week.

This year’s festival will create a week long event that will bring together creative expertise from Arctic regions and further afield, help companies to understand the value of design in business and how they can address living and working in a way that looks at sustainability through design.

“Arctic Design Week is a great opportunity for me to both showcase and network on an international level, I’m really looking forward to having one to one conversations exploring potential collaboration with creative businesses from all over” says Laura McFarland from Portadown’s graphic design company “Paper Harmonic”

Laura met with Shaun from Design Stics and David from David Henderson Design about their forthcoming trip to Finland and discussed some ideas regarding how to best prepare for the opportunity.


“in preparation for speaking and networking with Finish businesses I have been actively engaging with Creative Finnish profiles on social media in an effort to best prepare for a more effective social media presence while at the Arctic Design Week” says David from David Henderson Design in Kilkeel.

Creative Momentum is funded through the EU Northern Periphery and Arctic Regions programme


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