
News and Events

MyCreative Edge

Pohjois-Suomen upein MyCreativeEdge-profiili -kisa käynnissä!

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Creative Momentum Steps 2.0

Do you want to get matched with a Northern Ireland Creative Business as part of the Creative Steps 2.0 innovation process?

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Arctic Design week

Pohjois-Suomen luovien alojen yrittäjillä mahdollisuus päästä kokemaan unohtumaton elämys

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featured image 30.1.18

Are you interested in being part of a new innovation process for your creative business?

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Do you know that jewelleries can help you prevent stress? Here is a story about four talented designers from Mid Sweden.

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Iceland became a free and sovereign state on 1 December 1918, this year marks the centenary

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