

Published: 10 Mar 2018

IAG Northern Ireland

On Monday the 26th February members of the Information advisory group in Northern Ireland met to discuss the Creative Momentum project. Points of discussion were based around the outcomes to date of the project and remaining events and opportunities.

This includes three closing events in Northern Ireland as part of the delivery of the Creative Steps 2.0 activity. At the moment these events are lined up as follows

Wednesday the 21st March – Craigavon Civic & Conference, BT64 1AL
more info here


The three remaining Creative Exchanges will be hosted in the three Northern Ireland councils that make up the EU partner known as SEED (South East Economic Development) these are:

Ards and North Down Borough Council
Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council
Newry Mourne & Down District Council

The final events will be showcase events based around the theme of innovation and networking. This will allow for a great opportunity for local businesses to hear from a strong international speaker on the subject of business growth and innovation while having a great opportunity to network with a number of business representatives from a variety of sectors.


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