On Saturday and Sunday 4–5 November it’s time for the annual art trail in Ljungandalen. 36 artists will exhibit their work in 14 different places in the valley around the river Ljungan, in Mid-Sweden. This is the 7th time the event will take place and this year it’s more artists involved than ever. The number of visitors also seems to increase for every year.
One of the exhibitors is Dick Degerfeldt, he and his partner Kicki Jeschke will open their studio in Hallsta during the weekend and we can guarantee it will be an extraordinary experience. Huge textile creations and colourful oil paintings make the walls expressive.
During the art trail, it will also be an evening event called After Art. This event will take place at the restaurant next to Sinnenas konstpark (translated as the art park of senses) on Saturday from 4 pm. Take the chance to meet people interested in art and to see the park nicely lit in the dark.
The park was established 2011. Dick Degerfeldt was involved from the beginning and he is still one of the hard-working forces behind the park.
– It was a lot of work to prepare the ground and we used a big part of our budget on that, he says.
The budget has always been small so it was a lot of non-profit work to start it and to keep it in good condition. Dick and his colleagues wish for more funding so they can develop the art and get a new sculpture every year.
– It’s important with regular changes so we keep the park interesting to visitors, Dick says.
There is a lot of reused materials and humorous details in the park. There is also a place where you can build your own sculptures, very appreciated by the kids.
The theme – senses – has been there from the beginning and art and vegetation work together to address all our senses. The garden designer Annette Wolck has worked to combine the sculptures with plants with special taste and smell.
Around 15 artists show their work in the park.
– It’s always nice when something happens within art and culture in the neighbourhood, of course I want to be involved if I can, says Mari Zidén, one of the artists exhibit in the park.
During the art trail you can visit her new studio close to her home in Ånge and take a look at her work made of glass.
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